Sunday, May 31, 2015

Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve

My group watching an American Robin. After the bird flew away we tried to identify the different types of feet we saw in the sand. According to our station guide, this is one way they track the birds at the Preserve. We returned to discovering which beak type works best for which food for the birds. This was a highly interactive and very interesting field trip.

Comparing life cycles....

As an ongoing part of our cooperative learning about birds, we compared/contrasted the life cycles of plants and birds. This comparative life cycle is the culmination of this work.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Welcome to May!download.jpeg
Where we are wild about learning~Let the learning rumpus continue!

Wow! It is hard to believe, but these not-quite-3rd graders-at-the-beginning-of-the-year are now almost-4th graders. Students have continued learning new curricula while showing what they know during Smarter Balanced Assessments. Students have done a good job focusing and doing their best and parents have done a great job supporting them by ensuring they’ve gotten plenty of rest and a good breakfast. Thank you and keep up the good work! We have this week and next week of scheduled testing for our class. Students who are not finished will have the time to finish up as needed.

Students have done a good job of remembering their homework. This shows how they have grown as independent learners. Homework will continue in paper form, however if you wish to have the option of online MobyMax only homework please email me and I will set up a plan for your child.

You may have noticed a new obsession with your child-a specific bird or just birds in general. The third grade unit on native (and introduced but now naturalized to the area) birds has begun. Each student has been given their own bird to research, write a report on, and then present to the class. We are truly becoming bird brains!

Upcoming events
We have two field trips scheduled this month.

May 19th-Jackson Bottom Wetland Preserve. We have plenty of room for parent volunteers so please feel free to sign up or send me an email if you have returned the permission slip, but didn’t sign up to come along.

May 29th-Chehalem Cultural Center

Water Bottles-Reminder
Standing in line at the drinking fountain can waste a lot of time. I encourage students to bring a water bottle to school. They should take the bottle home on Fridays to wash.

Have you noticed?
We have an amazing group of students in this class and we are continuing to learn alongside each other.